@gpwil1: Configuration should be left out of the script.
First of all, it's supposed to add a feature. A configuration script just needs to be run once. Adding config options to the script would mean configuring/checking every time the script is initiated.
Additionally, the user should configure the way he/she wants it him/herself.
For example, I don't have the "side snaps" bound to the edges but to the lower corners, because the edges are reserved for the cube plugin.
And last but not least, users should be aware of where to set/configure features.

If I find the time I will write an English How-To over the weekend, so it can be linked in the script's header.

@Chrissss: We'll need additional info what that "Microsoft® Nano Transceiver" is for in this case and why it's listed twice in the pointer section.

I guess we could narrow it down like this in the script, if no mouse is found:
xinput -list | grep "slave  pointer" | grep -iv "virtual\|touchpad\|trackpoint\|Macintosh mouse button emulation"
but the issue with multiple listings won't be solved by this.